Before I die I want to be in 2 places at the same time
Before I die I want to remember my first beer
Before I die I want to pay back my student loans
Before I die I want to build a huge house of cards
Before I die I want to jump in taxi and say “Follow that car!”
Before I die I want to name my child after a Disney’s character
Before I die I want to be sugar and spice and everything nice
Before I die I want to press the RED button
Before I die I want to change my name and start over again
Before I die I want to float in zero gravity
Before I die I want to see all the wishes in the well become true
Ma anche
When I die, fuck it I wanna go to hell
Cause I’m a piece of shit, it ain’t hard to fuckin’ tell (Notorious B.I.G.)
When I die, bury me upside-down, so the world can kiss my ass (da Platoon, leparole che Charlie Sheen porta scritte sul suo elmetto)
When I die I want to be a tree
I hope I’m old before I die
Old before I die
Old before
Old before
Old before I die
Old before I die
(Robbie Williams)
Le parole di "Before I die" sono scritte al lato dell'ingresso del coffee shop di una strada laterale di Brick Lane, il Wakey Wakey Coffee Shop.