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31 agosto 2013 6 31 /08 /agosto /2013 21:14
The Babacino Changing Mat Interviews with Mauri Crispi (21-29 agosto 2013)Quelle che seguono sono "The Babacino Changing Mat Interviews with Mauri Crispi" (ovvero "Le interviste del fasciatoio di Babacino a Maurizio Crispi"), nate da un'idea originale di Maureen L. Simpson.
Come dice il titolo sono state delle interviste con tutti i crismi, realizzate davanti al fasciatoio di Babacino con domande che sono state poste diverse volte ogni giorno (quando possibile) al ritmo di una volta nel corso di un cambio di pannolino o appena assolta questa incombenza.
In questo "progetto", la mia parte è stata quella assegnatami - come si conviene ad ogni intervistato-: mi sono limitato cioè a rispondere alle domande che mi venivano poste.
Maureen ha fatto tutto il resto, con autentico piglio giornalistico.

(Maureen L. Simpson) The Babacino Changing mat interviews of Mauri Crispi take place randomly throughout the day when Babacino has his nappy changed (at home that is!). This is typically a time when we have a smiling gurgling wriggling playing and 'talking' little monkey boy, quite an addiction in itself to behold - for us! In our family it's also a kind of a team building time in an off-beat kind of a way. And so I thought it the perfect opportunity to do snippet interviews with Mauri, the Book Eater&Drinker, Blogger, FaceBooker, Photographer, Running Race Guru, and Papi extraordinaire!
Given the context of our interview setting, I thought it worth pointing out to readers that as of today - the 21st of August, Babacino is 7 weeks and 5 days and he's had his first injections and he's apparently growing as he should, along the acceptable growth graphs of the 'Red book for English children' for 7-8 week olds.
And so my first question is of course directly Babacino-Mauri related, and here it is:
The Babacino Changing Mat Interviews with Mauri Crispi (21-29 agosto 2013)
21 August 5pm-ish
MS: Mauri, what did it feel like when you first found out that you were going to be a dad again after quite a few years?
MC: This is a very  big question.... (Mauri wonders around the changing mat).
I felt it would be a very good and uplifting experience for me. When I first learned the good news I was very happy to walk again the path I had already walked with Franci, but in a completely different way, 20 years after Franci was born. I thought it would be a wonderful experience, and I would be different, so it would be the same experience but at the same time a very different experience.
22 August - 7am-ish
MS:    Mauri, as we know you have a variety of books of varying themes being devoured at all times and these you broadly 'categorise', often according to the room you are in!
Since we are on the topic of Babacino, you have always been a real support and comrade during Babacino's many hours of eating, and of course, reading books definitely goes hand in hand with these times!
Can you name one or two books that you have been particularly impressed by that you have read so far during Babacinos eating times?
MC: 'Drood' by Dan Simmons is a book I started reading a long time ago, but it was put on hold due to it's complexity and it being difficult to read in small bites. I bought it in Italy after seeing a film of the novel. And so as it happens, I brought it to London and started reading it again from the beginning. I was able to enter the story very well and recently completed reading all 850 pages of the Italian translation. 
This was actually alongside another book for the same room, called '.. the undead' by Dacre Stoker, a relative of Braem Stoker who wrote Dracula, but I would say that the book is not very well written.
Another book, a short novel, which I have just completed is  'La Balena e La Bamina' - in English:'The Wale Rider' - a mythical story.
This is a wonderful and fabulous 'fairy story' (but not about fairies of course) about a little girl belonging to a family with an old tradition transmitted via the chief - who is male - to the next in line. In this story, the transmission to the next chief is interrupted, because the little girl, his grand daughter, is not a male. But, the little girl has a gift, and she saves a pod of wales,and does some great things, and in the end the Grandfather believes in her and makes her the next chief.

The Babacino Changing Mat Interviews with Mauri Crispi (21-29 agosto 2013)22 August  18:30-ish
MS: Mauri, what are you most excited about when you think of the future with Babacino?
MC: All these are very complex questions. We will really only now this after a few years when we can respond to all the questions he'll be asking us, such as 'Mami when I grow up I want to be a shepherd / work in the waste services' etc. (haha!)
But I am most excited that when I am very old, perhaps the age of Methusela, I will have a son in his youth, perhaps in his 20's and it will be wonderful to experience in my old age, to be with Babacino. Also I am happy that Babacino won't be alone, he'll have Franci as his big brother and Franci won't be alone because he'll have Gabriel as his little brother. And they'll both be able to keep on with the Crispi name.

Thurs 23 Aug ...
MS: Recently we had a lovely week with Franci visiting, and he met Babacino for the first time. What memory stands out for you, or what did you find most surprising or inspiring about the visit?
MC: I liked all the moments we were all together, especially playing with Babacino. I found Franci was really fond of his little brother. I liked all the days, it's hard to say which one is the best. I did like the visit to London Eye and Greenwich Village, because on those days we spent most of the day with Franci and we were all together.

Sat  24 Aug am
MS: Who are you most excited to introduce Babacino to in Italy? ; and this one too: What are you most excited about when Babacino is in Italy?
MC: I am excited to introduce Babacino to my brother Salvatore (Tata!) I would also have said Franci, but now they have already met.
Also to experience everyday life in Italy which will be the same as here but slightly different - different places to go and things to do and lots of people, and to be in the house of books.
MSwhat about all of Babacino's books that you have already bought for him, here in London?
MC: We have lots of childrens books already, some I bought myself because I am  a big child and I love children's story books, and some are from when franci was little. So we can have books in both places
MS: Anything else Mauri?
MC: Yes, the graciousness of meals all together with Tatarone, and going all together to Altavilla, being in the shade of the Carob tree and the Olive trees, building stone walls together and watering all the plants, experiencing it all together.
When it will be cold, we'll build a fire in the fired place burning dried timber from the trees that had fallen in the summer storms.

The Babacino Changing Mat Interviews with Mauri Crispi (21-29 agosto 2013)
Tues 27th Aug 7:30-ish am

MSMauri, we've now spent quite a few months together experiencing London, do you have any reflections or comments you'd like to say about London?
MC: Mmm... I like to go walking, taking pictures and discovering parts of London that I never knew about. I've always been in the more touristic parts of London, where as East London has a lot of different sites and places to visit, such as the Docks, and the canals. The thing I liked most was the trip on the London Eye which had a superb overview from a very big height.
MS: And Mauri, how do you find all the crowds of London?
MC: Here in Shadwell, there are not so many crowds, but it's quite an exotic place to be in, as you get so many Asian people, you feel as if you could be in a different city.  But being in huge crowds I don't usually love, but you can always learn something from being an anonomous person in the crowd.

Tues 27th Aug 16:30-ish
MSAs Babacino grows up, what sort of things would you like to introduce him to, other than books, of course!?
MC: Things we can share and do with him up to a certain age, it's not really important what it is..as long as he is trying different things and we're doing it together.
But also, I think its good to do some travelling, to take part in some sport, any that he will like, as long as it's not obsessively. But first of all, it is important for him to be confident in water. 
MSWhat about running?
MC: Running will just be spontaneous, he will be involved with us, because we are already involved in running. I will introduce him, certainly, to bicycle-ing, as I did with Franci, and I'll introduce him to dogs, and he'll meet Frida soon! And to a love of nature and walking.  When he is a little bit more grown up, but still a child, I'd love to take him on a long walk, stopping at hotels along the way, perhaps the first will be to walk along Hadrian s Wall!
Tues 27th Aug 19:30-ish
MSMauri, races are a big part of your life, from taking part to photography and journalism, as well as socially. How do you see this part of your life being, now that we have our Babacino?
MC: There will be some races which we can all go to together. We can think of going to the 'Turin to Sevenson 100km' later this year. We can catch the boat from Palermo to Genova. And we can visit a cousin of mine in Val d'e Osta . He has a house which he runs as a B&B and it would be good to visit him.
Some races, later on, I will go to, but we can arrange to go together. 
MS: How do you think your fans and friends at the races will react when they see you with Babacino, and perhaps not going to quite as many races?
MC: I think they will be very glad of me being with Babacino and also you as a runner!

The Babacino Changing Mat Interviews with Mauri Crispi (21-29 agosto 2013)Thursday 29th Aug  23:00
This is the last question of the Changing Mat Interviews for this episode. All of the above questions were asked in real life right at the changing mat with our beautiful little boy.
The last question is via email because for a little time, while we wait for Babacino's passport to arrive, Mauri is in Italy and me and Babacino are in London. We felt as if the interviews needed one more little closing question, even though it is across the seas!

MSMauri, now that you are back home in Palermo, in the book house, seeing Tata and Frida and Raul and Franci and Nona Nica and Sophia and Signora Maria and Luciana and Aldo and everyone -  and you've had some time to reflect on the last 8 weeks since Babacino came to us, do you have any extra little glimmers of ideas or wishes or thoughts about your new life, that you can share with our readers?
MC: Yes, it's true that I am seeing so many persons, but I had planned - and it was in my wishes that we should be back to Palermo altogether, but it was not possible because a burocratic delay in the brand new Babacino's passport. And I was so disappointed and sad - we were both, actually. And so, it is not actually the same as it could have been.
But, in the meantime, I am havong more time to do lots of things, so that when you and Babacino will arrive about the middle of September you will feel more and more confortable... And everyone was so disappointed and so many are asking me why you are not yet in Palermo. It seems that the people i know simply can't wait to meet babacino and you... But it won' take long!

And that's all for today! We hope you enjoyed our first interview. We may do more, watch this space! and here are some pictures, of course!
Foto di Maureen Simpson
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  • : Frammenti e pensieri sparsi
  • : Una raccolta di recensioni cinematografiche, di approfondimenti sulle letture fatte, note diaristiche e sogni, reportage e viaggi
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Come sono arrivato qui

DSC04695.jpegQuesta pagina è la nuova casa di due blog che alimentavo separatamente. E che erano rispettivamente: Frammenti. Appunti e pensieri sparsi da un diario di bordo e Pensieri sparsi. Riflessioni su temi vari, racconti e piccoli testi senza pretese.

Era diventato davvero troppo dispendioso in termini di tempi richiesti alimentarli entrambi, anche perchè nati per caso, mentre armeggiavo - ancora alle prime armi - per creare un blog, me li ero ritrovati ambedue, benchè la mia idea originaria fosse stata quella di averne uno solo. Infatti, non a caso, le loro intestazioni erano abbastanza simili: creatone uno - non ricordo quale dei due per primo - lo ho "perso" (per quanto strano ciò possa sembrare) e mi diedi alacremente da fare per ricrearne uno nuovo. Qualche tempo - nel frattempo ero divenuto più bravino - il blog perso me lo ritrovai).

Ohibò! - dissi a me stesso - E ora cosa ne faccio?

La risposta più logica sarebbe stata: Disattiviamolo!. E invece...

Mi dissi: li tengo tutti e due. E così feci. E' stato bello finchè è durato...

Ma giocare su due tavoli - e sempre con la stessa effcienza - è molto complicato, ancora di più quando i tavoli diventano tre e poi quattro e via discorrendo....

Con overblog ho trovato una "casa" che mi sembra sicuramente più soddisfacente e così, dopo molte esitazioni, mi sono deciso a fare il grande passo del trasloco, non senza un certo dispiacere, perchè il cambiamento induce sempre un po' di malinconia e qualche nostalgia.

E quindi ora eccomi qua.

E quello che ho fatto - ciò mi consola molto - rimane là e chiunque se ha la curiosità può andare a dargli un'occhiata.


Seguendo il link potete leggere il mio curriculum.



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