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1 gennaio 2014 3 01 /01 /gennaio /2014 22:47

Il Capodanno di corsa (e non solo) a Palermo di Maureen Simpson(Maureen L. Simpson) Capodanno di Corsa a Palermo: my New Years Day Run, and other thoughts and happenings of the Scricciolo family!
This is my new years day run, a very important run in the calender of peace and grounded-ness of the mind. 

And, because we can always learn something from every time we run, then, a new years day run is a good place to start, full of good omens to discover, for the coming year (and for life sometimes!)! 
So, it started off a bit rainy and was sunny by the time I got home. 
The route was was a choice between my favourite run of running up the old pilgrim road of Mont Pellegrino and seeing the city from above, or adventuring into the city to see it in it's unfolding new skin. 
I chose the second, which is what Mauri suggested. 
I thought, because this is Mauri's city and me and Babacino have loved being here these last few months, then it would be apt, and a pleasure, to run through the quiet streets of this beautiful ancient city. 
And the thing is, that soon we need to go back to London, so these pictures can be little reminders of Palermo! 
Luckily Mauri is coming with us to London, and that's the most important thing really, for our little family to be together as much as we can, no matter where it is. 
And, talking about good omens, there are also some pictures of Babacino sleeping. Babacino turned 6 months a few days ago, and as it happens right at this time, he is finally starting to actually sleep in the day time. It is good,for him, so that he has energy for playing! I am happy that our approach of taking queue's from Babacino has paid off (rather than trying to impose sleep routines (etc) on such a tiny little scricciolo!) 
Also we decided not to do the thing of letting him cry himself to sleep or 'cry it out'. 
We always always pick him up if he is crying. 
And so, I do think he is learning that he can depend on us and be secure in his felt knowledge of this, because we will always be there for him. In his own time, he will become independent, slowly but surely. Each day is a little unfolding mystery when you are with a little tiny growing growing person!
Il Capodanno di corsa (e non solo) a Palermo di Maureen SimpsonSo, here we are with a little scricciolo of 6 months and 4 days, who has had his first Natale (Christmas) and his first Capdanno (New Years).
He's been hanging out in London, Sicilia and South Africa, where he met his South African cousins and his granny!
He's been a photo journalist at LOTS of races, and met lots of runners, he's played on the beach in the sand, he's been up lots of different mountains, he's been swimming, he's been to ancient temples, and up ancient pilgrim paths, he's been on the London Eye at 8 weeks!
He's met his big brother and they are becoming best buddies!
He's had lots of family feasts with yummy Sicilian specialties, and lots of family supper and lunch times at Tata's (
Salvatore Crispi)! and lots and lot of family jaunts, especially around Sicily, seeing Etna and Palazzo Adriano, where 'Cinema Paradiso' was made and where Mauri's family came from 400's of years ago when they arrived from Albania.
I definitely think, that 2013 has been the best year of my life so far, thanks to my two favourite boys Mauri and Babacino, and here's to some more!
Let's see where our feet will take us!


Il Capodanno di corsa (e non solo) a Palermo di Maureen Simpson


Around Palermo you will see 'random' ruins or half ruined buildings. I am sure a lot of them are really ancient. Often across the street from something like this, will be a beautifully restored building. The contrasts are quite amazing, but it also makes the city feel so alive and so full of real tangible history to be able to see the new and the old co-existing in such a sort of peaceful and harmonious way (in my opinion!)



Il Capodanno di corsa (e non solo) a Palermo di Maureen Simpson









Il Capodanno di corsa (e non solo) a Palermo di Maureen Simpson





Il Capodanno di corsa (e non solo) a Palermo di Maureen Simpson

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Mi Presento

  • : Frammenti e pensieri sparsi
  • : Una raccolta di recensioni cinematografiche, di approfondimenti sulle letture fatte, note diaristiche e sogni, reportage e viaggi
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  • Frammenti e Pensieri Sparsi

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Come sono arrivato qui

DSC04695.jpegQuesta pagina è la nuova casa di due blog che alimentavo separatamente. E che erano rispettivamente: Frammenti. Appunti e pensieri sparsi da un diario di bordo e Pensieri sparsi. Riflessioni su temi vari, racconti e piccoli testi senza pretese.

Era diventato davvero troppo dispendioso in termini di tempi richiesti alimentarli entrambi, anche perchè nati per caso, mentre armeggiavo - ancora alle prime armi - per creare un blog, me li ero ritrovati ambedue, benchè la mia idea originaria fosse stata quella di averne uno solo. Infatti, non a caso, le loro intestazioni erano abbastanza simili: creatone uno - non ricordo quale dei due per primo - lo ho "perso" (per quanto strano ciò possa sembrare) e mi diedi alacremente da fare per ricrearne uno nuovo. Qualche tempo - nel frattempo ero divenuto più bravino - il blog perso me lo ritrovai).

Ohibò! - dissi a me stesso - E ora cosa ne faccio?

La risposta più logica sarebbe stata: Disattiviamolo!. E invece...

Mi dissi: li tengo tutti e due. E così feci. E' stato bello finchè è durato...

Ma giocare su due tavoli - e sempre con la stessa effcienza - è molto complicato, ancora di più quando i tavoli diventano tre e poi quattro e via discorrendo....

Con overblog ho trovato una "casa" che mi sembra sicuramente più soddisfacente e così, dopo molte esitazioni, mi sono deciso a fare il grande passo del trasloco, non senza un certo dispiacere, perchè il cambiamento induce sempre un po' di malinconia e qualche nostalgia.

E quindi ora eccomi qua.

E quello che ho fatto - ciò mi consola molto - rimane là e chiunque se ha la curiosità può andare a dargli un'occhiata.


Seguendo il link potete leggere il mio curriculum.



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